Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I want to go everywhere I haven't been, and back to everywhere I have been.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Make a Birdcage Planter -- It's so easy! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Doesn't it feel great when you know you've inspired someone?

At the height of my career, I had a staff of 50 people.  
In the most basic terms, my job was to make sure the work got done.
But, really, the most important thing was to inspire them --
to do their best possible work...
to be creative and innovative...
to stay motivated...
to have pride in what they did. 

That's one part of working that I do miss.
Oh, and the paycheck -- I miss that, too.
Make a Birdcage Planter -- It's so easy! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Now, working in the blogosphere, it's all about inspiration give-and-take.   
We inspire with our words, our photos, our recipes, and our projects.
In turn, we are inspired by others
It's a two-way street.   
When someone leaves me a comment that they
tried and liked a recipe I posted, it makes my day. 
In turn, I love that "rush" when I feel inspired by a blog post that I've read.
And, that's exactly what happened when I was browsing through our link-ups 
from a Best of the Weekend party a few weeks ago,
I was inspired by a post from Kristi at I Should Be Mopping The Floor,
called How To Plant a Birdcage. 

Make a Birdcage Planter -- It's so easy! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

When inspiration strikes, there's no stopping me.
I'm all about Instant Inspiration Gratification. 

I wanted a birdcage (affiliate link), and I wanted it NOW.
Lucky for me, "now" was good timing, since Michael's had them for 50% off. 
Although I liked the gray metal finish it came in,
I painted it a bright yellow, using Patio paint (affiliate link)
which I thought would look nice with my deck furniture. 

Make a Birdcage Planter -- It's so easy! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I lined the bottom with a coco liner (affiliate link),
which had to be cut to size.
The sides had to be high enough to hold the soil.
I found that by cutting four slits in the liner, it was easier to fit it in properly.

Make a Birdcage Planter -- It's so easy! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

I used two types of plants to fill the cage -- 
 alyssum to spill out of the bottom,
and impatiens to fill the center. 

Make a Birdcage Planter -- It's so easy! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

 Looks mighty fine, doesn't it?

Make a Birdcage Planter -- It's so easy! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Make a Birdcage Planter -- It's so easy! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

Once the impatiens fill in, 
and start poking through the top of the cage,
it will be even prettier.

Make a Birdcage Planter -- It's so easy! | Ms. Toody Goo Shoes

How easy was it to make this birdcage planter?
No sweat!
Inspiration sans perspiration -- 
That's my kind of project!

Best of the Weekend
Wow Us Wednesday
Share Your Cup
Wake Up Wednesday
Cooking and Crafting with J & J  
Let's Get Real
Home Sweet Home  
Share Your Style
Tweak It Tuesday 


  1. I love the project I, too, love moments when I I feel like maybe I inspired someone else. What's inspiring me right now is the cool way you are sharing the inspiration credit and passing along good vibes. ..not enough of that on the Internet!

  2. Mighty fine indeed Ms. Amy! Love the bright yellow with the pretty pink impatiens. As you said, t's going to look even nicer in a week or two, but right now it looks gorgeous!


  3. Amy, can I just say LOVE. First off, when I saw the birdcage I said , I have that in the attic, I bought it at Michael's. I was laughing. I am so doing this next year. Thanks for sharing!


  4. How fun and pretty this is. Love the yellow of the bird cage. Your flowers just pop. Very creative and fun Amy.

  5. This is pretty cute! :)

    I would love for you to share this with my AMAZING Facebook Group with over 300 Members to share easy craft projects and recipes:

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  6. Hi Amy, your bird cage planter is a great idea and it looks really pretty in the yellow. It makes your pink flowers just pop with color.
    Thanks for sharing at Cooking and Crafting with J & J.
    Enjoy the week.
    Julie xo

  7. So glad I found your blog! You have such awesome craft and DIY ideas =)

    Edye | Http://

  8. That is so clever! I never would've thought to do that. I love how the flowers peak out of the sides.

  9. Hmmm, I have a few wire birdcages lying around....Yours is adorable and the color is simply divine!!

  10. This is absolutely adorable! What a fun idea! I think the yellow is my favorite part.

  11. I did exactly the same thing!! Love the color of your birdcage!! Mine is plain white so I think I will be painting it for next year!!


  12. This is adorable Amy! I will feature it today at HSH!

  13. This is adorable Amy! I will feature it today at HSH!


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